Plan the best production schedule for consumer packaged goods

Advanced planning and scheduling for CPG trial

How can production throughput be maximized based on priorities and production rules?

  • Enhance production efficiency and improve synergies between the production areas such as processing and packaging

  • Correctly plan and optimize out-of-cycle operations, such as Clean in Place (CIP) or setup for Packaging lines

  • Provide greater visibility on production progress compared to planned production

Get a preview of the trial scenarios. This trial is using Opcenter Planning and Opcenter Scheduling.

Try our 30-day advanced planning and scheduling software trial. No installation is required. Start designing in minutes. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)

Master Planning

Optimize production, minimize lead times, maximize resource utilization, enhance delivery performance and increase profitability.

Production Scheduling

Oversee scheduling and optimization of process lines by utilizing management and configuration of transfer operations, configuration of changeover groups and Clean-In-Place functions.

Reporting and Analysis

Utilize planning and scheduling capabilities to provide vital information to company departments, as well as analyze and report any potential material shortages to the supply chain management.



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