Experience the advantages of performing design simulation yourself

Small and Medium Business Design Simulation trial

How can design simulation support your product development?

  • Shorten development and reduce costs by performing simulation directly within the NX design environment.

  • Predict product behavior for structural, thermal and motion performance during design.

  • Rapidly iterate designs to quickly understand the impact of design changes on product performance.

  • Learn how easy it is to perform simulation yourself in NX with straightforward examples.

Get a preview of the trial scenarios. This trial utilizes Simcenter 3D.

Try our 30-day design simulation online trial. No installation is required. Start designing in minutes. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)

Simulation for designers

Make decisions earlier and verify product performance directly in CAD as you design your product.

Structural, motion and thermal analysis

Explore product performance using CAD-integrated structural simulation, thermal analysis and mechanism motion simulation.

Automate repeatable simulation tasks easily

Evaluate how template-based simulation enables you to automate tasks to save time.

Dettagli della versione di prova

Caratteristiche della versione di prova

  • Software con licenza completa, con file campione ed esercitazioni guidate

  • Nessun download pesante o lunghe installazioni

  • Inizia subito! Accesso immediato ovunque e in qualsiasi momento


  • Questa versione di prova gratuita è disponibile solo per le aziende qualificate, non per i membri della stampa o della concorrenza

  • Registrati con un indirizzo e-mail, un profilo LinkedIn o un account Google validi

  • Seleziona un paese/area