Engineering and Manufacturing Solutions for Small & Medium Businesses

SMB Collection Trial

Discover how you can optimize engineering and manufacturing by

  • End your reliance on outdated, slow processes by utilizing a fully-integrated design with topology optimization and modal analysis

  • Enhance process efficiency and speed while improving product quality by accelerated modeling and manufacturing programming

  • Reduce costly production errors early in the design stage with simulation capabilities designed to provide precise, real-time product data

Get a preview of the trial scenarios. This trial is using NX CAD, NX CAM, Simcenter 3D and Solid Edge.

Try our 30-day SMB Collection online trial. No installation is required. Start designing in minutes. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)

Collaborate on CAD CAM CAE data

Achieve new levels of production efficiency by improving existing processes.

Leading edge technology for innovative manufacturing

Powerful enough to take on the world and custom-built to solve problems relevant to your business.

Connect manufacturing workflows, product data, and teams

Completed designs can be validated on the spot, clearing the way for rapid production.

Dettagli della versione di prova

Caratteristiche della versione di prova

  • Software con licenza completa, con file campione ed esercitazioni guidate

  • Nessun download pesante o lunghe installazioni

  • Inizia subito! Accesso immediato ovunque e in qualsiasi momento


  • Questa versione di prova gratuita è disponibile solo per le aziende qualificate, non per i membri della stampa o della concorrenza

  • Registrati con un indirizzo e-mail, un profilo LinkedIn o un account Google validi

  • Seleziona un paese/area