Reduce cost and carbon footprint with Teamcenter product cost management

Cost management for electronics trial

Make accurate calculations about cost and carbon footprint early in the product lifecycle

  • Integrate product costing and cut costs by analyzing expenses during the initial design

  • Reduce the cost and carbon footprint of your products and tools

  • Calculate fast, accurate and iterative quotes driven by customer demand

Get a preview of the trial scenarios. This trial is using Product Costing.

Try our 30-day cost management for electronics trial. No installation is required. Start designing in minutes. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)

New product introduction

  • Design products for a given targeted cost and carbon footprint

  • Perform what-if analyses to drive cost and carbon footprint optimization

  • Forecast production/purchasing volumes from a cost and quantity perspective for years to come

Purchased component analysis

  • Create Greenfield calculations to identify and address optimization potential existing in suppliers’ quotes

  • Use a comprehensive, centralized knowledge database to determine Greenfield scenarios

  • Collaborate with sales, purchasing, manufacturing and controlling in one application

Quotation calculation

  • Fast, reliable variant management to calculate and evaluate individual product variants for make/buy parts

  • Interfaces with existing business IT systems, including product lifecycle management (PLM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and computer-aided drafting (CAD), to update and manage data automatically

  • Comprehensive reporting on cost for products, tools and carbon footprints

Dettagli della versione di prova

Caratteristiche della versione di prova

  • Software con licenza completa, con file campione ed esercitazioni guidate

  • Nessun download pesante o lunghe installazioni

  • Inizia subito! Accesso immediato ovunque e in qualsiasi momento


  • Questa versione di prova gratuita è disponibile solo per le aziende qualificate, non per i membri della stampa o della concorrenza

  • Registrati con un indirizzo e-mail, un profilo LinkedIn o un account Google validi

  • Seleziona un paese/area