Valor NPI for any EDA flow trial
Explore the capabilities and features of Valor NPI at your own pace. You’ll have immediate, hands-on access to many Valor NPI features. Data files and tutorials help you become familiar with the tool, its features, and its functionality.
Try our free 30-day trial. No installation required. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)
Use Valor NPI with the ODB++ product model and Valor Parts Library.
Run DFM analyses using the Analysis Definition Manager (ADM) and produce a report on Manufacturing Risk Analysis (MRA). Design fabrication and assembly panels so you can control how the panel is structured and optimize the panel utilization.
Generate extensive DFM reports and see how they shorten or eliminate design reviews. Prepare and release your finished design to manufacturing.
Fully licensed software with sample files and guided tutorials
No massive downloads or lengthy installations
Ready to go! Instant access anytime, anywhere
This complimentary trial is only available for qualified businesses, not members of the press or competition
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