Maximize the value of your machine tools with Solid Edge CAM Pro

Solid Edge CAM Pro trial

This trial is no longer accepting new users.

Start your free, 30-day trial of Solid Edge CAM Pro – a proven computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) solution featuring a rich set of tools to help you finish the job right the first time. Experience how Solid Edge CAM Pro allows manufacturers like you to define and execute a wide range of manufacturing processes, including milling, turning, and feature-based machining, complete with comprehensive machining simulation.

An intuitive, modern user interface, easy-to-follow tutorials, built-in templates, and wizard guides make Solid Edge CAM remarkably easy to use.

Work directly with Solid Edge parts and assemblies

Ensure accurate, efficient manufacturing processes working directly with Solid Edge parts and assemblies with single-click commands to send files from Solid Edge to CAM Pro and data associativity, which allows late-stage design changes to be easily incorporated into the manufacturing plan.

Maximize shop floor efficiency with a single, unified CAM system

Avoid the need for multiple CAM systems with a scalable solution that includes in-depth NC programming capabilities, providing flexibility and maximizing the value of your investment.

Generate production-ready CNC programs for your applications

The Post Hub library provides a searchable online database with 1,200+ postprocessors ready to be downloaded directly to your workstation.

Trial Details

Trial features

  • Fully licensed software and video tutorials.

  • Easy to download and install.

  • Ready to go! Access the full version instantly.

Trial requirements

  • This complimentary trial is only available for qualified businesses, not members of the press or competition

  • Sign up with a valid email address, LinkedIn profile or Google account

  • Select your country/region