Explore Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management

Teamcenter Service Lifecycle Management trial

Why Service Lifecycle Management on Teamcenter?

  • Service lifecycle management improves your products' serviceability, collaboration, and traceability with an integrated Service Bill-of-Materials (sBOM)

  • Leverage service planning and service asset management to improve quality and reduce downtime through fully validated service requirements

  • Manage physical structures to improve first-time-fix rates and reduce turn-around times with clear visibility of the accurate configuration details of your fielded assets

Start your free 30-day trial in minutes!

Screenshot of Service Lifecycle Management with Teamcenter software

No installation required! See how you can help improve the serviceability and traceability of your products. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)


Create effective service plans for more profitable service operations.


Perform service activities with a full understanding of physical asset configurations, including as-built bill of materials records, status, and service history.


Receive ongoing maintenance details from your fielded assets through integration with Enterprise Asset Management software.

Details zur Testversion

Funktionen der Testversion

  • Vollständig lizenzierte Software mit Beispieldateien und geführten Anleitungen

  • Keine umfangreichen Downloads oder langwierigen Installationen

  • Sofort einsatzbereit! Sofortiger Zugriff zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort

Bedingungen der Testversion

  • Diese kostenlose Testversion steht nur berechtigten Unternehmen, nicht aber Pressemitgliedern oder Mitbewerbern zur Verfügung.

  • Registrieren Sie sich mit einer gültigen E-Mail-Adresse, einem LinkedIn-Profil oder einem Google-Konto.

  • Wählen Sie Ihr Land/Ihre Region.