Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge trial
You'll learn how to:
Become familiar with the easy-to-use interface.
Specify engineering goals.
Prepare models for analysis, including applying boundary conditions and material properties.
Mesh the model.
Analyze and explore the results.
Test multiple variants of the design to find the ideal configuration.
Try our free 30-day Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge trial. No installation required. Start designing in minutes. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)
Vollständig lizenzierte Software mit Beispieldateien und geführten Anleitungen
Keine umfangreichen Downloads oder langwierigen Installationen
Sofort einsatzbereit! Sofortiger Zugriff zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort
Diese kostenlose Testversion steht nur berechtigten Unternehmen, nicht aber Pressemitgliedern oder Mitbewerbern zur Verfügung.
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"Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge is a leap forward for our customers who need to do flow analysis on their engineering projects. This tool allows engineers to quickly run various 'what if’ scenarios and optimize their design directly inside of the Solid Edge window."
Dan Staples, Vice President, Solid Edge Product Development , Siemens PLM Software