Part manufacturing CAD/CAM trial
Automate NC programming to save time and standardize processes for job shop.
Slash programming time by up to 90% with feature-based machining (FBM).
G-code-driven Simulation reduce set-up time and maximize machine uptime.
Digitally connect team members, equipment and processes for a seamless collaboration
Get a preview of the trial scenarios. This trial utilizes NX Manufacturing.
In this trial, experience a guided tour through the NC programming applications described below.
Try our free 30-day part manufacturing CAD/CAM software online trial. No installation is required. Start programming in minutes. (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari recommended)
Learn how automation and modern programming techniques help job shops cut programming time. Manufacture high-precision machinery components on time and on spec.
See how moldmakers accelerate the machining of hard materials and achieve an excellent finish with advanced toolpaths. Instantly adapt design changes by maintaining associativity to the part model.
Discover how aerospace and defense contract manufacturers can effectively program the most challenging jobs using advanced multi-axis machining strategies and integrated simulation.
Vollständig lizenzierte Software mit Beispieldateien und geführten Anleitungen
Keine umfangreichen Downloads oder langwierigen Installationen
Sofort einsatzbereit! Sofortiger Zugriff zu jeder Zeit an jedem Ort
Diese kostenlose Testversion steht nur berechtigten Unternehmen, nicht aber Pressemitgliedern oder Mitbewerbern zur Verfügung.
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